Pangolin's Lasershow Designer 2000 system comes
with over 120 song-length shows and demos. Below are YouTube videos of some of the graphic
and beam shows that are included with LD2000.
Please remember that the
MPEG video quality does not give nearly the full visual effect of the overwhelmingly intense laser show.
It is somewhat like trying to convert an IMAX film into video -- you
get the general idea, but the power and grandeur is lost!
Technical note
What you are seeing is capable of being projected with one ILDA 30K-tuned
scanner pair (an X and a Y galvanometer scanner). The multiple
images seen in many parts of the videos are a result of Pangolin's
ability to easily create multi-track visuals. Pangolin pioneered the
concept of multi-track visuals for laser in 1989 and it is now an
industry standard.
"Revelation 2006" was created by Dave Oxenreider
(art) and Andy Hagerman (music) of Singularity Arts. This show was
created using 3D Studio MAX, as a demonstration and test of
Pangolin's Lasershow Converter MAX. Revelation 2006 demonstrates
some of the latest features of Lasershow Converter MAX, including
ultra-smooth animation and light-shading. We include the music for
use in your own laser shows.
This show is a 15-second "ID" spot. It works the same way as
other ID programs such as "Intel Inside": use the ID in your laser
presentations, to show customers that you have the most advanced
laser software in the world. The ID also demonstrates the quality of
3D Studio MAX-created graphics. The artwork was created by
Singularity Arts using 3DSM, and was converted to laser using
Pangolin's Lasershow Converter MAX plug-in.The music is included
along with the show content for use in your own laser shows.
The graphics show "World In Motion" was programmed by Christian
Lueck, TRICK-DESIGN, Germany. This show was awarded the 1998
Laserists' Choice Brewster Award. Through special arrangement with
the composer Oliver Kobusch, we include the music "World in Motion"
for use in your own laser shows.
The graphic show "CluBB" was programmed by Davidov Denis (D.D.V.),
LaserVarioRakurs co.Ltd., Russian Federation. It includes a lot of
hand-drawn animation and sequences created with the help of TraceIT
and other tools from Pangolin.
The raster show "Linea" was produced by Doug McCullough
of Laser Show Design, with assistance from show programmer Jeff
Hwang. This show won a First Place ILDA Awards in the Special
Application category in the year 2000. "Linea" is Spanish and
Italian for "line". Linea was the first photorealistic all-raster
show for galvanometer laser scanners. The music was produced
specifically for Pangolin, and it is included with the laser show.
The beam show "Again" was programmed by Peter Heyt, !FX laser
productions, The Netherlands. The music is written, performed, mixed
and mastered by Peter Heyt and Maurice ten Brink. We include the
music for use in your own laser shows.
The beam show "Eternity" was programmed by Peter
Heyt, !FX laser productions, The Netherlands. It won the First Prize
at the Pangolin Prize contest held November 10, 1996 in Burlington,
Ontario, Canada. Through special arrangement with the musician Tom
Habes, you can use the accompanying music "Eternity" in your own
laser shows.
The beam show "Mysticon" was programmed by
by Robin Ersek-Obadovics, Faculty of the Arts, Thames Valley
University, London. This is a very novel show because it is a beam
show, and yet it was created entirely in Adobe FLASH and converted
to Laser using Pangolin's Lasershow Converter FLASH plug-in. Through special arrangement with the musician
and University, the music is provided along with the laser show.
The The beam show "Solarstation" was programmed
by Holger Walter, HW Lasertechnik, Germany. The show files
along with the "Solarstation" music file are licensed to Pangolin
for distribution to Pangolin clients.
As mentioned above, LD2000 comes
with over 120 song-length shows and demos. Some are "beam shows",
others are "graphics shows". (Click
here for a list of these shows.)
For beam shows, the idea is to make
interesting patterns in the air. For example, if you scan a
circle, the audience sees a cone of light coming from the
For graphics shows, the laser is
projected onto a surface such as a projection screen.
This page last updated:
Wednesday, Januari 29, 2020
Member and Sponsor, International Laser
Display Association
Member, International Association of Amusement Parks and Attractions
Member, National Association of Mobile Entertainers